real estate investing software

flipping buy hold


Real Estate Investing Software

I recently stumbled upon this new real estate investing software. The maker of it, Daniil Kleyman, had experience in commercial finance before getting into real estate investing and he created this pretty easy, yet powerful little program for analyzing real estate deals. There are 2 versions of the software,  RentalValuator and RehabValuator. I started using both versions because I really liked some of the deeper pro forma reporting. For example, this software has very accurate Cash Flow and Cap Rate Analysis, which allows you to have a solid decision making methodology for buying a property. Some of the deeper features like Debt-to-Income Ratio are very useful if you are using commercial financing. The flipping version, RehabValuator, has a built-in formula for determining Acquisition Price. You put in your specific data from your market and it will calculate for you the best initial offer price. So you have added confidence when making offers.

The program is a little complex, so you have to invest some time in it. They have a Quick Analysis Tab, which was pretty decent. Once I watched the 50-minute tutorial, then it was a lot easier and I started getting into the more complex reporting. I can tell you this, my lenders have been very impressed when I make loan application, because the premium versions have a nice Printable Report that I can give them.