Trends and Technology in Home Design and Construction

Guest article by Jacqueline Bishop

Technology Is Taking Home Design Into The Future

Imagine being able to control the angle and amount of sunlight that enters your home according to the hour, designing and printing your own décor items with a 3D printer, or sleeping within your very own ‘entertainment capsule’ where you can watch various channels on a flat TV screen all at once. Modern design has been holding sway in architecture as much as it has in interiors, influenced by groundbreaking technology that beckons homeowners to experience greater comfort and functionality without losing out on aesthetic artistry. If you are designing a new home, why not consider fitting it with new tech features that can ensure your home has optimal appeal?

Recessed sliding doors for greater uniformity

Sliding doors are a popular feature in modern homes, replacing traditional doors that open in on other rooms. If in the past, these doors were by necessity at different levels to adjacent walls, these days they remain completely adjacent with the latter, and are even made in the same material for greater uniformity. Added features of these high-tech doors include touch control - i.e. the sliding door is opened by simply touching it, and closed by raising your hand. We bet you won’t be able to resist saying “Open Sesame” - at least in the first few days you call this cutting-edge system yours.

Gradient panel systems for bespoke natural lighting

If you want to regulate the amount of natural light that enters your home, gradient panel systems are a high-tech choice that enables you to save energy and enjoy all the privacy you need. These panels are made of coated aluminum and covered in the same material as the facade of your home. The panels are powered by a motor and each can move completely independently, up to 360º. Homeowners can then program the panels on one of the various modes, including direct sun (in which the panels align themselves such that the maximum amount of light enters a home), shade (in which the panels rotate to block the sun from entering) and closed (for ultimate privacy and darkness indoors).

Futuristic electronics

How does a transparent television, a door handle with self-sterilization, or a media player that uses photovoltaic cells to draw in solar polar sound? Modern home gadgets and electronics are creating futuristic ambiances within homes while providing very practical solutions to typical problems. Décor items transform from opaque to transparent, or dark to light with a flick of a button. Items such as coffee tables which display pictures from your last trip or recent Instagram session. The idea is to turn décor or furniture items into sources of entertainment, energy, or light.

Transforming spaces

Academics at MIT have created a micro-apartment called CityHome that transforms a 15x15 space into a study, kitchen, bedroom, and lounge, all in one. A wall mounted device allows you to morph your room into the space you need. Is it study time? Then press a button and a desk will descend from the ceilings and the light shines more brightly. At bedtime, your bed emerges, and when you are planning on entertaining, space is automatically cleared for chairs and a table for your guests.

We have mentioned just a few ways that technology is helping modern homeowners make the most of the available space, control aspects like light, or create greater uniformity in their living spaces. Tech can create major or minor spaces, but even one gadget (such as a transparent television) can express your penchant for contemporary design. Meanwhile, developments like CityHome are showing that you don’t need a big, expensive home to make the most of the new technological developments that are as handy as they are beautiful to behold.